Referring to Senge’s five disciplines for a learning organization, I find that my organization has lots of room for improvement in being a learning organization. I would like to share my experience about learning in my workplace as follows:
Personal Mastery: The management seldom spends time to communicate with staff about the organization’s mission and staff’s personal vision. They are lack of quick awareness to the education reform during the recent year. The situation applies to the restructure of our course programs and the General education courses become the core subjects that are critical in the survival of the whole division. This leads to an urgent situation in well allocating the staff and teaching materials resources in coming semesters.
Mental models: Many teaching staff are lack of teaching knowledge and experience in general education and not willing to take initiatives in developing the new subject “General Education” curriculum.
Shared vision: Due to the restructure change of the course program, staff feel not secured and motivated in their job. Staff has their own planning and the organization cannot provide a safe job place for staff commitment.
Team learning: Team learning seldom encourages within the division. The teaching sharing experience is only carried out at informal peer gatherings and not at formal communication.
System thinking: My organization seems incapable to review the organization and personal vision together and can only solve problems at one by one case. I think this will affect the teaching quality and student learning in future.