

Planning of Assessment Part 2: Individual Task

Design an organizational development plan to encourage Cross-KLA (Key Learning Area) subject collaboration and Learning with IT.

Background Information

My school is a Band 2 Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) Secondary School in Hong Kong Island. My school has 65 years history; the age of the teachers in my school is a little bit high. Most of the students come from mid-class family, about 1/3 of them are come from mainland China.
Using IT in assisting administration is popularizing, but the adoption of IT in pedagogy is in the beginning.

1.      Analysis of my school situation

Senge’s five principles (Week 1) are used to analysis the culture of my school.
Diffusion of Innovations Model (Week 2) is also used to analysis the acceptance level of IT adoption. It affects the amount of effort we must give in promote them on innovation.

2.      Development plan design

Changing Model (Week 2)
To design the development plan that can be executed in my school. A suitable model of change is chosen based on the analysis above. Catalytic Integration Model is chosen due to the culture is still not well-established in my school. The principal act as a key agent can enhance the outcome.

Changing Mindset (Week 3)
Due to the change of pedagogy involve change of the teaching habit of all teachers, especially autonomy is emphasize in teaching work, changing mindset of teachers is extreme important for the succession of the plan. Activities like seminars, site visit of pioneer and carry out experiments in our school is needed. And the target is about 40% of the teachers agree the innovation. The skill of storytelling (Week 6) is required in this stage.

3. Organizational Readiness (Week 4)

Besides incentives of the teachers, vision, skills, resources, action plan and collegiality are also important for an organization to change. Self-assessment is requires to check which parts above must be improved for readiness to change.

4. Changing Organization into a Learning Organization (Week 5)

To keep the change substantial and continuously improvable, my school is needed to change to a Learning Organization. The LO Survey provided by OLKC is a good tools to analyze and overcome the shortcomings of my school.

After the adequately preparation, organizational development plan will be successes.

3 則留言:

  1. Thanks for your comment Oscar! Your plan is systematic and well-designed. It also provides me a general picture of asg. 2 which help me a lot! By the way, will you put scenario planning into your asg. ?

  2. Thanks for sharing your view on the individual assignment. I think it will be very interesting. It could be more convincing if some professional opinion can be obtained.

  3. Thanks for your sharing of your draft planning of individual assignment. The plan is systematic and logical flow in interlinking to what you write in our blog message from week 2 to week 5. As a professional educator, we should share knowledge and teaching experience that benefits our students and us at near future. Let us build up professional teachers' network after taking the course MITE6328 Organizational Learning
