

Week 2 - Changing Model

Identify a model of change to help explain change within an organization you have experienced.

My School is a tradition secondary school. Personal mastery of teachers is strong but there are seldom vision sharing and systems thinking among them. Therefore some reforms on pedagogy have been processed these years but the results are not obvious.

Changes in recent years that can mention as "success" are usually the application on harewares and systems like eclass. Eclass is an integrated platform on teaching and school administration. The application of eclass was decided by principle and IT coordinator. At the start teachers were uninterested and regardless on it. Therefore the principle ordered the administration staffs to train on using eclass as an administration tool. After that the principle commanded that all the administration works moved to eclass. This forced the teachers to try more on eclass (they still haven’t need to work with eclass yet, but they must check the students records on eclass). Later on, the teachers used comfortable on eclass and started trying new functions of eclass. It is a good example of Technology Adoption on Change Model.

3 則留言:

  1. We do have similar situation in my school.

    The launch of eClass is not welcomed or of interest by most of the staff members. Nevertheless, there are a small group of "IT elites" who are willing to try on something new through the eClass platform. Some non-IT teachers were sharing answers to tests, assignments, etc. on the platform. Moreover, some are starting discussion on the platform on news, and requiring students to comment on their peers' works. Some of the guidance teachers were asking students to approach them through this platform to avoid embarrass from students.

    1. Now we tread eClass as a platform for communtation between teachers, students and parents. Teaching materials can be downloads on eClass and some homeworks are required to submit on eClass. However, it still seldom used on new methods of teaching.

  2. Right, different teachers may have different willingness to accept innovation technology. Likewise, the Diffusion of Innovation, only 2.5% are innovators but most are early majority (35%) or late majority (35%).
