In this week, I am using Kotter's 8-Step Change Model to share a case of change in my school. As a member of I.T. Committee, we need to cater for the change in I.T. infrastructure. Most of the school's computers are now running on Windows XP, but it was announced that Windows XP will reach the end of lifecycle by April 2014. In order to cater for the change, we need to implement an upgrade in the school's computers. However, we are facing resistance from our colleagues.
Step One: Create Urgency
Due to the end of lifecycle of Windows XP, no more support will be provided. We need to plan for the change to ensure proper functioning in school.
Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition
I.T. Committee has informally set up a focus group to investigate into the issue.
Step Three: Create a Vision for Change
We need to ensure the proper functioning of the I.T. infrastructure in our school. We are planning to migrate our school's computers to Windows 7 in a long run. The focus group can then pay more attention to the solution as well as the potential changes needed in our school.
Step Four: Communicate the Vision
We have announce and explain the situation to our colleagues during staff meeting. Due to the change, I.T. Committee will migrate the computers to Windows 7 during the coming summer vacation.
Step Five: Remove Obstacles
In order to provide sufficient user licences, we have joined the School Agreement offered by Microsoft. We may upgrade to any versions of Windows in the school campus. Moreover, some of our colleagues do not want to upgrade to new versions of Windows due to unpresent user experience. In order to remove obstacles, we have decided that computers who are not willing to upgrade to Windows 7 will no longer be supported.
Step Six: Create Short-term Wins
To catalyze the change, we are planning to provide staff development on the advantages of Windows 7 and Office 2010. Useful educational software and plug-ins will be introduced so as to attract colleagues' interests.
Step Seven: Build on the Change
Except computers of the colleagues who are unwilling to upgrade, we will upgrade the computers to Windows 7 during the coming summer vacation. Useful plug-ins and software will be pre-installed together with the new Windows 7 platform.
Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture
We hope that with positive user experiences with the new platform, those who are unwilling to change will also opt for the changes.
Thanks for your sharing. I think the last step is particulary important because once the change can be anchored in the organizational culture, this will govern the colleagues' behaviours and direct them to the "Vision" of the school.
回覆刪除Eric, thanks for your view in using Kotter's 8-Step Change Model to share the change in I.T. infrastructure at your school. In order to upgrade your school's computers, the above 8 steps are comprehensive and useful for implementation. I agree the following steps are necessary for successful change implemenation.
回覆刪除- step 1: Create Urgency
- step 3: Create a Vision for Change
- step 4: Communicate the Vision
- step 7: Build on the Change
- step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture