

Week 5 - Learning Organizations

This week, we are going to study to what extend our organizations are learning organizations.

Since I am new to the current school, I have completed the Learning Organization Survey according to my understanding on my previous school. Details can be found as below:


  • The leaders encourage learning organization.

  • The school is willing to cooperate with vendors to try new technologies, such as the use of smart board in Maths lessons.
  • School can gathering statistics on academic and other achievements through different channels. However, for information in IT aspects, the performance is less appreciated.
  • Analysis on data was mainly done by the vice principals. Little involvement was present.
  • Training was very much treasured in the school. Adequate and systematic training for new teachers were provided. Extra training for new initiates were conducted as well.

  • Colleagues are not very much confident in raising out new ideas.
  • The school appreciates new ideas. For my panel head, he often discusses with me on new technologies and ways to improve the IT infrastructure in school.
  • The school is willing to introduce new idea and equipment, such as smart board, new design in multimedia room, etc.
  • The school do not have heavy workload, such that colleagues can have time to reflect on their teachings as well as their performance in using new technologies.

2 則留言:

  1. According to Garvin (1993), learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights.

    From this definition, it is obvious that we need the learning process to acquire and transfer knowledge among the members of organization (i.e. learning process and practices). In the meantime, the “readiness” of members (e.g. openness to ideas, psychological factor) also plays an important role in the learning organization (i.e. supportive learning environment).

    Based on the survey results, your school can demonstrate a good leadership in facilitating a learning organization. However, I think the success of a learning organization needs the help from learning process and supportive learning environment together.

  2. Great start, how about other group members reviews of their LOs
