

Week 5 - Learning Organizations Survey

According to Garvin (1993), learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behaviour to reflect new knowledge and insights.

From this definition, it is obvious that we need the learning process to acquire and transfer knowledge among the members of organization (i.e. learning process and practices). In the meantime, the “readiness” of members (e.g. openness to ideas, psychological factor) also plays an important role in the learning organization (i.e. supportive learning environment). 

You may find interested in watching the "Importance of Learning in Organizations" in which David Garvin and Amy Edmondson, Professors of Harvard Business School, were interviewed.

Learning organization scores summary

The results indicates that our organization hasn't done well about learning in different areas.  In particular, there is much room for improvement in leadership as well as learning environment.  Needless to say, the importance of leadership is to direct organizational members on the right track and tells us how to get there where we should go.

Concrete learning Processes and Practices

Our school is able to collect information and conduct good analysis then.  However, it seems difficult to put "analysis" into practices. There does not have enough medium and practices in which organizational members can acquire and exchange knowledge from and to one another.

Supportive Learning Environment

Our organizational members seem not get ready yet.  They may get used to conventional ways of doing things and be fear of change.  But one thing is not bad that time for reflection may not be a problem for them.

Organizational leaders have to share the vision and set clear goals. Then appropriate learning processes and practices can be developed and facilitated.  To get members ready, two-ways communications should be conducted with them so that they are able to understand the needs and benefits of learning.

3 則留言:

  1. Your organization seems not very ready for changes according to the statistics. Keep trying!~

  2. Alvin:
    You have some similar results to my organisation. I think that sometimes companies dedicate all of their resources to doing 'work'. They do not allocate time and energy to other areas, such as learning. The irony of this is that by giving time and energy to leanring the organisation may become more efficient and innovative. This can createa spiral of learning as efficiencies and innovations are capitalised on.

    But there are many barries to learning for an organisation. Rigid systems and a lack of support by management are all impediment to change and development.

    My organisation does not have too many of these barriers but we still scored low because the ethos held at management level is not clearly explained/understood or accepted as important by teachers in the classroom. There's a disconnect in perception there. Different levels see different things as important/ But who is right? Some may say teachers are they are closer to the 'coalface'. other may say management as it has the 'bigger picture' in mind.

    The first thing my organisation needs to do is recognise this gap and work on ways to narrow it.

  3. Alvis, I agree with your observation and hope our management will play a leading role in implementing the change in learning and avoid one-way communication with our staff at college. A good leadership and feedback learning environment is important for good learning organization.
