As a member of the school I.T. Team, we found that the printers in the staff rooms are depreciated in an extraordinary short time. The printers were bought in last year’s summer vacation, but all of them are running out of order recently.
From our experiences, most of the I.T. facilities will work fine within their warranty period. However, all these printers nearly broke down at the same time. Even the printers can be repaired or replaced during warranty period, it disturbs the normal work of our staff members.
When we look into the issue, we found that there were many huge printing jobs from our staff members. Some of them were using printers instead of using the bulk printing service from the school, where more durable bulk printers were used. The misuse of printers makes the life of the printers shorter than expected.
In order to deal with the situation, we are considering setting print quota for staff members, so that their printing job could be limited. Moreover, we are looking for rental services from printing companies, so that printers or photocopiers could be rented. Printing jobs are paid according to the meter counts recorded on the server. We hope that the measure can correct the misuse of printers in school, and in turn lower the unexpected I.T. expenses.
For my school, the printers are rent instead of buy. Although the cost of each printout is higher, the maintenance service is much better. We also have print quota and rules to use printer or bulk printer.
回覆刪除However, the workload of statistics on printing is quite high so that the policy is just aim for increased the sense of saving money and environment.
Right, this is always a problem for schools and teachers. Other than using quota for priniting job, may we encourage teachers to use "soft copy" rather than hard copy. Sometimes, hard copy is not necessary. Maybe posting the materials on online platform.