

How can our schools be described according to Senge’s five principles?

Secondary School
Community College
Personal Mastery
·     teach for their professional subject, and the mobility of teachers in my school is low
·      not able to develop a personal vision and aspirations and an awareness of current realities
·      seldom spends time to communicate with staff about the organization’s mission and staff’s personal vision
Mental models
·    seldom provide their vision on school development
·    teachers from the same panel and committee are working for the common aims and objectives.
·      not motivated to change or develop
Shared vision
·     teachers willing to share their opinions privately
·    schools will fine-tune their shared vision (MAC) after gathering information from the surveys
·      change may threaten the job security so that sense of commitment to the future cannot be established
Team learning
·    no team learning in my school
·    teachers are grouped into panels and committees to work together
·      team learning seldom encourages within the division.  The teaching sharing experience is only carried out at informal peer gatherings and not at formal communication
Systems thinking
·     seldom view the development of our school as a whole.
·     not much studies on the interdependence among policies
·      look at the goals and problems as isolated
·      only solve problems at one by one case

1 則留言:

  1. Compared to traditional schools with constant support by the Government, it is unfortunate that Community colleges often lose clear identification of its educational role in the education sector. This affects how people work in these colleges think about change.
