

Week 3 - eBook in School

Books with printed text on paper are used in education over the century. They are considered to be a good learning aid as students can gather information from them, and customize them by highlighting and adding their own notes. However, as the quality of paper improves, textbooks become heavy and less portable.

With the advance of information technology, tablet PC becomes light-weight and interactive. More and more people are keeping an eye on the application of tablet PC in education.

(Apple Education Trailer - AkkGaming)

In Hong Kong, the use of eBook in replacement or supplement of traditional textbooks becomes an hot topic in education sector. EDB has set up a working group in sourcing for the possibility in using eBook in schools, and has come up with a pilot scheme on e-learning.

Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School is the first one who has deployed the use of iPad in schools as textbook in the scheme. As an innovator of the school, the new I.T. coordinator, Mr. Chu, introduced iPad in his English lessons, and let the students learn from the interactive eBook in the iPad.

(CNC World - Pads instead of Books)

The students seem very enjoyed in the lessons. Mr. Chu found the students very involved in the lessons, and hence improve the effectiveness of the lesson.

With the efforts by Mr. Chu, quite some number of colleagues in the school is moving towards the eBook trend. A public class was held in Hong Kong Institute of Education in sharing the outcomes of the school to the education sector earlier this year.

(Public class by HKIEd - 1AP+30iPad eLearning Seminar)
(Sorry that I cannot find an English version of this video)

Mr. Chu is an innovator in his school. He is also an innovator in Hong Kong or even in China. His efforts could bring up more and more early adopters in the Greater China region, who in turn drive the change in the world.

More on eBooks and eLearning:

1 則留言:

  1. This is really true that the introduction of e-book is able to motivate students' learning in the classroom. In view of relative lower cost of technology, I think we may further extend the usage of e-book reader (certainly with WIFI facility) in the classroom learning. We may have much more interactions with students by clicking them in various exercises through the e-book reader, like voting the right answers to questions.

    According to the Diffusion of Innovations, Mr. Chu is considered as the innovators. But it only accounts for 2.5% of practitioners. There is much room for us to do better in coming time.
